Friday, May 4, 2007

Choosing a Student Exchange Program to Come to the US

A student exchange program is good opportunity to those people who want to see other countries, to improve language knowledge, to find out more about other country's culture. It is also helps to become more independent, to grow-up.
On the other hand, to my opinion sometimes this program can be not very good and especially for those students who do not have enough money for living because it was said that the money they earn from their work may not be enough to pay all their costs. It means that to go on this kind of program is quite risky and sometimes it can become even dangerous. For example if you are going to country that is quite far is not safe because you absolutely do not know their culture. It would be difficult to become part of that society.
I would like to go to European countries but not to US because I do not feel enough independent and I would feel not safe so far from my home. Moreover, i would scare to go to country like US because if something happened my family would be far from me.

1 comment:

rasiutka said...

Qiute easy to understand and interesting to read. Very good summary!