Friday, October 19, 2007

Racial Discrimination

Most of people think that racial discrimination problem was topical in the past but it is not true. There are still countries which discriminate people who are different race so it means that this problem still exists.

As ideology racism existed during the 19th century. It was attempted to provide a racial classification of humanity. Racial discrimination was especially topical during
World War II and the Holocaust.

There are even some types of discrimination, for example, institutional racism or state racism, economical racism and etc. I think most important for us is institutional racism because each of us can suffer from it. So institutional racism is racial discrimination by government, corporations, educational institutions or other organizations which have power to affect people. Economical racism is caused by education or parent's generation.

The first declaration against racial discrimination was created in the 18th century in the United States. It was in the United States Declaration of Independency. In 2000, the European Union banned racism along with other forms of discrimination such as genetic features, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation and etc.

Researchers say that racial discrimination problem is widespread especially in the
United States. Usually discrimination there is in the workplace against job applicants whose names sounds as "black people" name.

In conclusion, racial discrimination as shows many researches and history is very old problem which is still not resolved, despite the fact that this problem was topical a lot of centuries. It shows how deep this problem is and how it is difficult to resolve it.

The Eldery Abuse

Nowadays elderly abuse is increasing quite fast. There are more and more people who commit acts of violence against the elderly and who do not respect them.

So the elderly abuse is an act when someone causes harm or distress to an old person. It is really cruel act against people who can not defend themselves from abusers because most of the elderly are too weak to do it. Elderly abuse is a prevalent problem because mental or physical impairment of elderly may prevent victim from reporting the problem. Usually abusers are relatives who are responsible for caring an elderly person. Also victims can be social workers, friends, neighbors or volunteers.

There are a lot of types of elderly abuse. The first, the most common, is financial exploitation. It is illegal use of person's property, money and pension. The second one is psychological abuse - it is shouting, ignoring, blaming, threatening and etc. The third, of most common, is physical abuse. This includes any type of action that creates bodily harm or distress, for example, hitting, punching, pushing, giving too much medication or wrong medication. There are also other types of abuse like neglect, sexual abuse, self neglect but these types are not as common as the first three.

To sum up, the elderly abuse is a problem which has to be resolved as fast as possible because there are a lot of the elderly who need help, who suffer from their own children, partners.

Self Assessement

This month, people around the world are looking to the night skies 2007 10 10
mp3/se-sin-2453-digest-10-09-07.mp3 10/audio

I was listening radio broadcast which consists of three interesting topics.

This broadcast I have listened two times and one time I read written version of this broadcast in order to check if I understood everything right. It shows that I am not very good at listening tasks. I think main reason why I have this problem is because I do not have enough experience of doing it. Also it shows that to me is difficult to concentrate while I am doing this kind of tasks.

These three topics were really interesting to me so it was not very difficult to understand what was said in this radio broadcast. Of course, there were words I did not know. So as I mentioned before after listening I have read written version. It means that my vocabulary is still quite poor and I have to study even harder if I want to pass my English exam good. I think it is very important to know a lot of words because just using a lot of words language looks nicer and not so poor as mine.

However, I think I managed to do this task quite good because as a foreigner I understood
quite a lot.